Sorry, we could not find any available rooms for your chosen dates.
Here are a few of the features you will find in each of our serviced apartments: Lifts Video entry phone system Complimentary wireless internet Microwave and other cooking facilities for our guests CD and stereo system Washing machine Dishwasher Oven Daily cleaning and laundry service from Monday to Friday Good location for transport and shopping Apartment has toiletries, coffee, teas and biscuits
- Adventure
- Air conditioning
- American breakfast
- Animal watching
- Antiques & fairs
- Archery
- Art galleries & museums
- Arts & crafts
- Backpacking
- Badminton court
- Baggage store
- Beach activities
- Billiards / pool / snooker
- Bird watching
- Boating
- Bowling alley
- Breakfast
- Breakfast in the room/unit
- Business facilities
- Canoeing
- Card, board, video games
- Casino, arcades
- CCTV in common areas
- CCTV outside property
- Celebrity spotting
- Cinema
- Clay Pigeon Shooting
- Cleaning service
- Coffee shop
- Common area doors left open
- Concerts, music
- Continental breakfast
- Cooked breakfast
- Cooking
- Cricket
- Croquet
- Cycling
- Dancing
- Dart board
- Desert
- Desk working station
- Disinfected between stays
- Disinfected daily
- Dog racing
- Elevator
- English/Irish breakfast
- Entertainment
- Exhibition
- Express check in
- Express check out
- Family fun
- Farm life
- Fax machine
- Fine dining
- First aid kit
- Fishing
- Fitness
- Fly fishing
- Football
- Free high speed internet
- Free WiFi internet
- Gambling
- Games, chess, cards
- Gloves for guests
- Golf
- Golf - driving range
- Golf - miniature
- Group parties
- Guest protective clothing encouraged
- Hand sanitiser
- Healthy breakfast
- High speed internet
- High-touch surfaces disinfected
- Hiking
- History/science museums
- Horse racing
- Horse Riding
- Housekeeping - daily
- Hunting
- Hypoallergenic rooms/units
- Ironing service
- Jet-ski
- Karaoke
- Kayaking
- Kitchen/kitchenette
- Laundry
- Leisure park
- Linens washed above 60°C/140°F
- Linens washed to local guidelines
- Masks for guests
- Mattress and pillow protectors
- Meet & greet service
- Motorsports
- Mountain biking
- Mountain sports
- Murder mystery
- Newspaper service
- Nightclubs
- No shared stationery
- Outside air ventilation
- Pampering
- Paragliding
- Parasailing
- Photocopying
- Plug adapters
- Polo
- Porter / concierge service
- Printing
- Professionally cleaned
- Pub crawl
- Racquetball court
- Re-enactment
- Request no staff entry to room
- Retreat
- River rafting
- Rock climbing
- Room Service
- Rooms sealed after cleaning
- Safe deposit box
- Sailing
- Sanitised tableware
- Scuba diving
- Shopping
- Shuttle service
- Skating rink
- Ski school
- Skiing - alpine
- Skiing - cross-country
- Skydiving
- Snorkelling
- Social distancing
- Socially distanced dining
- Special interest
- Squash court
- Staff protective clothing
- Staff trained in safety protocol
- Surfing
- Table Tennis
- Takeaway meals
- Team building
- Temperature checks (guests)
- Temperature checks (staff)
- Tennis court - indoor
- Tennis court - outdoor
- Theatre
- Ticketing service
- Train spotting
- Transport service
- Volleyball
- Walking
- Washable duvet covers
- Water activities
- Water-skiing
- Watersports
- WiFi internet
- Wild life
- Windsurfing
- Wine tasting
- Wrapped breakfast
Park Lane Apartments/ Clarges St
34-36 Clarges Street, London, W1J 7EH