
Blackpool Tower Bed and Breakfast Cheap Hotel Accommodation

Found 0 matches in Blackpool Tower on 14 March 2025 for 1 night
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Visiting Blackpool Tower?

There's so much to see and do

Opened in September 1893 and standing 158m tall, the Blackpool Tower was of course a replica of the Eiffel Tower in Paris, but unlike the Eiffel Tower (which is free standing) it has a base underneath the buildings. It was also made in such a way that if it ever fell it would fall into the sea! In 1897 the top of the tower caught fire and could be seen for up to 50 miles away.

Because the original tower was unpainted it rusted very quickly, but the decision was taken to replace it so it was completely rebuilt between 1921 and 1924. During the second World War they removed the crows nest and replaced it with a radar, and it was renamed RAF Tower.

Blackpool Tower

The Promenade



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