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Blackpool Pleasure Beach Resort Bed and Breakfast Cheap Hotel Accommodation
Found 1 match in Blackpool Pleasure Beach Resort on 26 February 2025 for 1 night
Visiting Blackpool Pleasure Beach Resort?
There's so much to see and do
Incredibly this is still a family owned theme park by the Thompson family, and is the most visited in the UK and one of the top 20 in the World with more than 5.5million visitors per year! Well done to the Thompson family!
Since her fathers death, Amanda Thompson has really brought the Blackpool Pleasure Beach Resort up to date. It now also has a 4 star Hotel called The Big Blue Hotel, which enabled it to be called a "resort".
Opening times: from 1030am-4pm but please check as it sometimes only opens at weekends during the Winter months.
Prices (correct 2012): Unlimited ride wristband £25 / pleasure beach pass £6
525 Ocean Boulevard
South Shore
Tel: 0871 222 1234
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